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Black Kids Swim Blog

Black Lives Lost Due to Drowning Go Ignored by the Red Cross

The Red Cross teaches millions of Americans how to swim. Yet, today, 70 percent of African Americans lack basic swimming skills. Additionally, the Red Cross’s Centennial Campaign, charged with training 50,000 new swimmers in areas with some of the nation’s highest drowning rates, does not...

Robert Mangan: One of the Best African-American swimmers in NY

Robert Mangan is a successful African-American swimmer who swims for Ithica High School's Ithica Little Reds.  His swim coach told him about Black Kids Swim and he immediately reached out to us to say "Thank you for sharing the site with the public and supporting African-American...

Members of District Triathlon

Black Triathletes Welcome a Swim Mom

As a swim mom I spend most of my pool time in the stands or on deck – I rarely get in the pool. And I don't think I'm alone in this. I've met a surprising number of swim parents, especially in the Black community,...

Meet Andre Wilson from Ohio’s Neon Swim Club

[caption id="attachment_1936" align="alignleft" width="136"] Andre Wilson of the Neon Swim Club in Ohio[/caption] Andre Wilson is a 17 year old senior from Brunswick High School and he swims for the Neon Swim Club in Ohio.  Andre first started to swim in the 9th grade to improve...

Mackenzie Stacker of O’Fallon Illinois

Meet Mackenzie Stacker of O’Fallon Illinois

Mackenzie Stacker is 11 years old and lives in O’Fallon Illinois.   She started swimming competitively at the age of 8 after taking swimming lessons at age six.  She competes for TWO local teams year round; the Yosi Seals and the O’Fallon Breakers.  Mackenzie consistently  finishes...

bks photo shoot 8 and under girls

Growing the Black Kids Swim Community

We want to see more Black swimmers.  We want more Black people to have the life-saving skill of swimming, and to have access to the educational and professional opportunities available through competitive swimming. We believe that if we can grow the Black Kids Swim community we...

Is winter swimming safe

Swimming During the Winter: Is it safe?

Many Black swim parents worry that if their child swims in in-door pools during the winter, as year-round swim clubs do, they will get sick.  However, the coaching and consistent training provided by a year-round swim club is necessary for young swimmers who want to...

Meet Jourie Wilson: 5 time State Champion Swimmer

Meet Jourie Wilson a 12 year old swimmer for the Highland Hurricanes in Highland Indiana. Jourie began swimming competitively at the age of 4. Since then, she has won the Indiana State Championship FIVE TIMES. Jourie is listed among the top 16 swimmers in the United...


How I Enjoy Everyday

Set up a blog in just a few minutes with the Edge collection of blog templates. Define the look of your blog. Enable a sidebar, choose between full width and grid layouts, and take complete control over typography. Enable social share functionality; add social media buttons...


Alltime Have Sunshine

Set up a blog in just a few minutes with the Edge collection of blog templates. Define the look of your blog. Enable a sidebar, choose between full width and grid layouts, and take complete control over typography. Enable social share functionality; add social media buttons...

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