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Black Kids Swim Blog

A Week in the Life of a Traveling Swim Instructor

After several weeks of searching for an indoor heated pool, I’m excited to announce that we’ve finally found the perfect spot on the south side of the city! This has been my main goal, especially for students who want to keep swimming during the colder...

Overcoming Our Fear of Water

As a swim instructor, I'm dedicated to changing the narrative around fear in the water that has persisted in our community. This cycle, rooted in our history, can be broken through education and empowerment. ...

Meet the 2024 Summer Swim Scholarship Program Winners!

.edgtf-post-image {display:none;} Cultivating the Bright Future of Swimming Black Kids Swim (BKS) is thrilled to announce the two remarkable young athletes awarded our coveted Summer Swim Scholarship for the 2024 season: Makina Tiayon and Cole Morris. This achievement is not only a testament to their dedication to...

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