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Black Kids Swim Olympic Countdown - Justin Lynch

Black Kids Swim Olympic Countdown – Justin Lynch

We are less than two weeks away from the swimming events of the 2016 Olympics in Rio. This year three African Americans have earned spots on the U.S. Olypmic swim team; and for the first time in history there are two African American women on the...

2016 us olympic swim team

African Americans on the U.S. Olympic Swim Team

This year THREE African Americans made history by earning spots on the U.S. Olympic Swim Team. A team that is historically predominantly white - reflecting the sport of competitive swimming. [caption id="attachment_1748" align="alignright" width="185"] Lia Neal (Left) two-time Olympian. Simone Manuel (Right) first-time Olympian[/caption] Anthony Irvin, Simone Manuel,...

Theresa Banks Championship girls team

Black Girls Swim! Part 1

Meet the Ladies of the Theresa Banks Swim Club! The Theresa Banks Tiger Sharks Swim Club (TBSC) is a co-ed summer swim team located in Prince George’s County Maryland. ...

Black Kids Swim logo

Official Statement on Red Cross Poster

Black Kids Swim remains committed to increasing the number of African Americans excelling in the sport of competitive swimming by supporting Black children and their families with resources, information, and access to opportunities. The images and videos produced and distributed by the Red Cross are...

kim whitley mother of reece whitley

My son swam in the U.S. Olympic Trials

Reece Whitley is nothing short of amazing. At the age of 14 he qualified for the Olympic trials and proceeded to stun the world with amazing performances in the 100 and 200 breast. In 2015 Sports Illustrated named him Sports Kid of the Year. This...

Red Cross Poster

What’s the big deal about the Red Cross Poster?

Black Kids Swim objects to the message and implications in the Red Cross poster “Be Cool Follow the Rules” and any images that portray Black people in a negative light. Images of African Americans as a brutish, over-sexualized, criminal and helpless population are circulated freely...

Advice from Parents of US National Swim Team member Giles Smith

Advice from Parents of US National Swim Team member Giles Smith

[caption id="attachment_1592" align="alignleft" width="300"] A young Giles Smith with his parents Harold and Marcia Smith[/caption] Harold and Marcia Smith knew Giles loved the water from the day they gave him his first bath. At the age of 3 they enrolled him in a summer swim program led...

Three Simple Steps to Help Your Child Swim in College

Three Simple Steps to Help Your Child Swim in College

By Monica E. Randall, PhD. What is the best part about being a swim mom?  Watching our children excel in this sport!  Whether I'm on deck or in the stands cheering, once parents find out that I am an educational consultant, I'm often asked  for advice...

Roy Birch Black Kids SWim

Black Olympic Swimmer Roy Burch Speaks with Black Kids Swim

[caption id="attachment_1556" align="alignleft" width="304"] Roy Burch, Two-time Olympic swimmer for Bermuda[/caption] Roy Allan Burch is an elite swimmer from Bermuda. He holds Bermuda national titles in the 50m free, 50m butterfly, and 100m free in both long and short course events. He has also represented Bermuda in...

swim class kicking

Uncertain future for the Walton Street Pool

The Walton Street Pool in Asheville North Carolina is located in a predominantly African American neighborhood. Due to high repair costs, low revenues, and gentrification the pool may be closed. This article discusses how historically limited access to swimming can effect how public resources are allocated...

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