2019 Black Kids Swim Challenge
Join the 2019 Black Kids Swim Challenge!
Black Kids Swim needs your help to change the relationship between the Black community and the water. Join us and start 2019 with a commitment to increase the number of Black swimmers. As a community, we can permanently change the negative stereotype that Black people don’t swim and we can also change the sport of competitive swimming. For real change to happen it has to involve everyone – not just our kids. We are asking swim parents (and grandparents!) to complete the 2019 Black Kids Swim Challenge:
#1 Learn to Swim
According to USA Swimming, if a parent cannot swim there is only a 13% chance their child will learn how to swim. Visit your local pool or YMCA and sign up for lessons this month. You can always email info@blackkidsswim.com for information on lessons and private instructors.  BKS will record the name and city of everyone who commits to learning how to swim. We’ll check in with you monthly to see how you’re doing. And, when you learn send us your photo so we can highlight you on our website!
#2 Support Black Competitive Swimmers
Donate to the BKS Summer Swim Scholarship Fund.  Participating on a summer swim team is the perfect way for kids to fall in love with the sport of swimming.  Every summer BKS awards  scholarships for kids to join summer swim teams – help us to increase the number of scholarships we award in 2019.
#3 Share BKS
Encourage families to consider competitive swimming as the sport of choice for their kids. Â Strong swimmers have access to a wide range of educational and professional opportunities. Help us create more Black competitive swimmers! Forward BKS emails and share our social media posts with family and friends.
#4 Make a Purchase
Proceeds from sales in the BKS Store go to support young Black swimmers and all BKS activities. Â Visit the BKS store and make a purchase for the swimmer in your life. Â We have swim caps and hair care products specifically created for Black swimmers.