We’ve all done it. It’s OK. You’re not alone.
We yell GO! and C’mon! and (from the bleachers in our dry clothes) Let’s Goooo!
We yell, and we wait for our kid to magically triple their speed and come in first place. But the truth is, your kid wasn’t prepared to swim faster. The truth is, your kid’s race performance was determined three months earlier. Your kid’s body can only do what their muscles and energy stores allow them to do.
Maybe, if they’d been pounding water while eating lean protein and dense carbohydrates instead of sugar and dairy products – they would have the energy needed to kick faster. Maybe, if they’d been doing dry land exercises four nights a week and getting eight hours of sleep a night they’d be able to maintain proper body position (“keep your hips up!”) even when they get tired. If they had a parent teaching them proper nutrition and training habits for competitive swimmers, they could swim faster.
Put simply, maybe if your kids swim parent (yes, you!) knew more about the nutritional and training needs of swimmers, your kid would be in better swim shape.
At the Tabono Competitive Swim Skills Clinic expert nutritionist Beynu Osagyefo will lead the parent workshop: Eating for Speed. This hands-on food-prep class will teach parents how to change their swimmer’s diet to sustain wellness and maximize athletic performance.
Beynu is an educator, nutritionist, and a Swim Dad. He advocates food combining, herbology, alkaline-based foods, and positive affirmations to sustain wellness and maximize athletic performance. He has more than 15 years of experience designing nutrition, personal training, aquatic fitness and children’s movement programs.
Join Beynu, our dryland training expert, and four swim coaches for the Tabono swim skills clinic May 18 in Severna Park Maryland.
Learn what you can do, as a swim parent, to help your kid swim faster.
Roberto Suarez
August 4, 2019 10:11 amI’d like to know more info regarding “eating for speed”. I would like my 12yo to eat the right foods and maintain and healthy swimmer’s meal plan.
Black Kids Swim
February 21, 2020 6:24 pmHi Roberto! Please check out the articles in the nutrition section of our blog. Lots of great advice as well as recipes.