Summer Swim is Over, Now What?
Your child just finished a fun and exciting summer of swimming for a summer league team. They’ve made new friends, strengthened their swim techniques, and developed a passion for the sport of competitive swimming. You’re proud of their accomplishments and want to encourage them to continue – but how?
Year-round swimming is a way to allow your child to continue developing in the sport and ensure they stay in shape all year. USA Swimming and the YMCA have year round swim leagues across the United States. Serious swimmers understand the importance of training throughout the year.
Most summer leagues practice five days a week. However, during the school year, a child may swim anywhere from two to six days a week depending on their age and other extra curricular activities. Parents should also be aware that year round swimming is more competitive than summer swimming and your swimmer may need more positive reinforcement from you. The more time they spend in the pool the better they will swim.
Bottom line is, being on a swim team is FUN! Why not have fun with your friends all year long?
And for those wonderful parents who volunteer as timers, techs, and stroke and turn officials during the summer. You too can continue to support the sport during year-round swimming.
Summer swim is over, now is the time to begin looking for a year round team for your child.
Ebony is a wife and mommy of two gorgeous swimmers. She started Black Kids Swim to help parents (like herself!) who want to be supportive swim parents to African American children.