Let’s face it, competitive swimming can simply be cost prohibitive for many families. Swim teams are forced to charge fees to cover pool lanes, coaching staff, insurance and a host of other expenses. To stay afloat, and to keep the sport as affordable as possible, many teams look to subsidize their operations with concession sales and other fundraisers during meets. It’sÂ
Black Kids Swim’s mission is to create more Black competitive swimmers by eliminating barriers to entry into the sport.
Through a partnership with American Pool’s Lifeguarding Program, Guard for Life, Black Kids Swim has awarded summer swim team scholarships to four amazing young swimmers. Congratulations to Mikkel Le Blanc, Shane Brent, Sophie Koroma, and Riley-Simone Muse!!! We were so inspired by their passion for the sport and are proud to be a part of their continued success in the pool!
If your swimmer or team missed this year’s scholarship opportunity, Black Kids Swim has another way you can still help your swim team keep the sport affordable. The EBAN Shield fundraiser! The EBAN Shield fundraiser is simple program that allows swim teams to earn money simply by sharing BKS information and product with their team-members and friends. Any time one of those team members or friends makes a purchase your team makes money! Tell your swim team right away so that they can start making money and keep the pool open!