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Author: lwd_admin

Are You Ready for Summer League Swimming?

It's that time of year again! School is wrapping up and parents are looking for fun (energy draining) activities that will help their kid make friends, stay in shape, and learn the value of hard work and dedication. Black Kids Swim highly suggests you put...

Black Kids Swim pool

Free Registration for DC Summer Swim League is Open

DC Parks and Recreation oversees the DC Summer Swim League. This popular summer swim league is a recreational swimming league aimed at introducing DC youth to competitive swimming. The program is free for Washington D.C. residents and registration is now open. To register please visit...

DC Parks and Recreation to host SwimJitsu

The DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) announced that for the first time, DPR will participate in SwimJitsu, an annual nationwide event presented by USA Swimming and the North American Sports Group.  The District is one of 14 cities hosting this one-day, one of a...

Find the Right College for Your Student Athlete

Find the Right College for Your Student Athlete

By Monica Randall PhD I encourage families with student athlete's searching for colleges, to keep an open mind and look beyond ratings and rankings to find a college that will be the right fit both academically and socially. Colleges that Change Lives (CTCL) supports this view. CTCL...

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